AMG Engineering Blog

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Industrial Compressed Air Systems: What To Know When Designing A New System

Industrial Compressed Air Systems: What To Know When Designing A New System

Whether it’s facilitating a process or just powering tools, compressed air is both a useful and ubiquitous utility. Even if you’re already using compressed air, you may need more if you’re increasing automation or planning an expansion.

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Skim Pit Case

Skim Pit Case

To replace an in-ground concrete skim pit in a 9-day window, AMG had to carefully design a plan utilizing atypical construction methods.

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Steam Boiler Systems: What Every Project Engineer Should Know

Steam Boiler Systems: What Every Project Engineer Should Know

Installing a steam boiler system in your facility? Here’s what to avoid (and what to do instead) to achieve a successful install.

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Soybean Oil Extractor Case Study

Soybean Oil Extractor Case Study

A manufacturer of oilseed processing equipment had developed a new line of deep-bed soybean oil extraction machines. The client was seeking help with the structural design of the larger models.

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Mechanical Conveying Systems 101: What Every Project Engineer Should Know

Mechanical Conveying Systems 101: What Every Project Engineer Should Know

Installing a mechanical conveying system in your facility? Here’s what to avoid (and what to do instead) to achieve a successful install.

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Team Feature: Tim McCrate

Team Feature: Tim McCrate

Learn about Tim McCrate!

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